The Plaza PDF Reading Group is pleased to announce our Summer Sessions. For this batch of readings we will be focusing (loosely) on establishing our critical foundations, touching on some of the more influential texts & ideas of the past several decades. Call it summer school?
The summer session will consist of eight sessions; sessions will be held every second Sunday from 14h-16h.
Is open to everyone. Drop-ins, occassional members and non-attendant subscribers are all welcome.
If you’ve received this by email, you’re already signed up. If not, you can sign up by filling out the form here. If you have any questions, get in touch. Feel free to forward this to whomever you wish.
June 12th: Introductions, plus a little nudge into the pool with Foucault’s preface to Anti-Oedipus. Bridging the gap. You’ve got to start someplace. How did we get here?
June 26th: Gilles Deleuze, Postscript on the Societies of Control. The language and ideas introduced by Deleuze (and his collaborator Guattari) echo down through work today.
July 10th: Pierre Bourdieu, Forms of Capital. What is Culture Capital and why can’t I buy anything with it?
July 24th: Judith Butler, Gender is Burning. There will be a companion screening of Paris is Burning; screening date tbd.
August 7th: The Valley Boys / rationalism. Rationalism, the companion philosophy of the new Silicon Valley, has been distributed mostly through blogs and meet-ups. This session will be more of a survey. Details TBD; maybe + a screening; maybe + a guest. Some materials will be selected from And probably this. Likely this.
August 21st: Bruno Latour & Actor-Network-Theory. Readings will be the introduction from Reassembling the Social and On actor-network theory.
September 4th Hito Steyerl; Spam of the Earth Sea of Data; which we offer as a sort of dessert.
There is a google calendar with dates of events that you can view here or subscribe to. We’ll try to keep it up to date, although we will use email for important notifications and Slack for related discussions.
Bon été from all of us at 820Plaza, and we hope to see you soon.